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Home Investing in AFS HK
AFFINITY FINANCIAL SERVICES. We are growing and expanding, if you are keen to be a part of the growing community of investors whom will grow with us. Speak to us.
AFS Hong Kong is registered as a company with HK company registry servicing our investors that is based in the Greater bay area.
In AFS, we constantly innovate to better serve our clients, with a solid background and strong track records, we will continue to deliver our promises to you.
We pride ourselves to be an independent company, profitable since we started. Using innovative strategy to manage and grow the business, we have presence in 4 countries in less than 3 years.
喺AFS度,我哋一直不斷創新,提供更好嘅服務俾我哋嘅客戶,憑住穩固嘅背景同強大嘅業績紀錄,我哋會繼續兌現我哋嘅承諾比你。 我哋以成為一間獨立公司為傲,自從創立以來一直盈利。透過創新嘅策略管理同發展生意,我哋喺不到3年嘅時間內已經喺4個國家建立咗業務存在。
"All investment carries risk. We are in the business of managing risk for our investors and our clients"
Using a proprietary risk and credit assessment system, AFS is able to deliver income and results to our investors and clients.
All our funds are specially curated to ensure that it is able to continue to be profitable in the next 10, 20 years. So you can expect our funds to continue serving you.
All clients and investors goes through a robust KYC and AML checks before they are onboarded. Our checks goes beyond industry normal practice.
Affinity Financial Services Pte Ltd (AFS) UEN No. 201733228N is a company incorporated under the laws of Singapore which is exempted from holding a license under the Moneylenders Act (Chapter 188). AFS offer Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore with fast, easy and hassle-free business loan. All funds collected unless expressly stated, shall be made under the “small offers exemption” as prescribed under section 272A or “private placement exemption” as prescribed under section 272B of the SFA, and is not made in or accompanied by a prospectus that is registered by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. All data available on this website is strictly for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation, invitation, advice or recommendation on our part to buy or sell any securities or other capital markets product or financial services. We make no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy, completeness or quality of any information on this website. Users of this website are advised to seek independent financial, tax and legal advice or make such independent investigations as appropriate in connection with their use of this website. Clients are advised to read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy carefully. If you have any concerns or further queries about how we are handling your personal data or queries regarding the said Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at +65 6909 9108.
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